Welcome to the Getting Cricky "Favorite Things" Blog Hop
Each of us on the Design Team, along with some very special guests and friends, are so pleased to have you here with us!! We have a special surprise for you at the end of the hop, so be sure to visit each blog along the way... You'll end up at Kristal's blog where you'll get to JOIN the FUN!! So let's get HOPPING to show you some of our "Favorite Things" about Kristal's stamps!!
If you've hopped along from my favorite Scrappin' Sista, Christel, then you are in the right place!! If you are just joining me from your dashboard, or reading this via email, please be sure to CLICK HERE to start at the beginning with Lisa's blog (you'll want to catch up on all the FUN!!)...
For my project tonight, I have something creepy and FUN!! :)
Bwahahahaha... Everyone needs a bottle of Snake & Spider Venom laying around, dontcha think??? OOOOoooohhh I just LOVE all the creepy details -- From the rusty, speckled bottle (lovingly created by my favorite guy) to the coffee-stained tag with some twisted humor!! :)
Not only is the "Positive Thoughts" Stamp Set one of my all-time favorite K Andrew Designs sets, but the actual sentiment "Today... is your day!" has been my single-most favorite go-to stamp for so many cards and projects... But the dark humor of this usually-bright-and-cheerful-sentiment has me giggling every time I see it!! I mean, seriously... Bwahahahaha... Today... is YOUR day to guzzle the bottle of venom... tee hee... Admit it, you're grinning just a bit, aren't you???
This fabulous tag is from the "Black Widow" collection from We R Memory Keepers... I feel the need to collect a few more of these tags as you just never know when a bottle of "quality hand-milked venom of Snakes & Spiders" might come in handy... Now, if it wasn't "hand-milked" venom, then I might have to pass... But come on... Hand-milked??? Mmmm-hmmm...
I don't quite remember what this glass jar started out holding... Perhaps Snapple. Snapple would never have a hand-milked venom flavored beverage, I'm sure, but their uniquely shaped bottle makes for a great up-cycled project canvas...
Oh, it sure does look tasty and appealing in that wagon full of pumpkins, no? I suppose for the last few months a few of you might have been wondering if someone delivered a deadly bottle of venom to ME -- ya know, with my falling off the face of the earth for -- oh, a month or three... Nah... I managed to avoid bottles of poison and sticky spider webs and now I'm ready to jump back in to my craft room!! Who's ready to join me??? :)
Let's take one last look at that bewitching tag... While I doodled the spider webs onto the edge and corner of the coffee-stained tag, I was tickled to remember that the "Fall-O-Ween" Stamp Set has that awesome skull and cross-bones image tucked in with all the mix-and-match phrases... Doesn't it add just the right touch of "dark"??? Here's a peek at the two stamp sets I used to complete my project:
Do you have someone you'd like to make a bottle like this for??? Well... I'm offering a handful of these FUN We R Memory Keepers label tags to one lucky person who leaves a comment on this post telling me what your favorite K Andrew Designs stamp set is AND what your favorite Halloween TREAT is!! :)
Want some BONUS chances in the drawing??? You can do any or all of the following for EXTRA chances (just remember to leave one comment for EACH thing ya do!!):
- "Like" the Love To Crop! Facebook Page -- click here
- Subscribe via email by entering your email in the box at the top of the page (be sure to CONFIRM!)
- Become a follower of my blog (THREE ways to do this -- via the regular follow button, NEW Linky Followers, AND via Networked Blogs -- get a chance for each)
Now you can hop on over to your next stop: Kristal's Blog!!

Didja know?
Each of Kristal's stamp sets benefit charity. At least $1 per stamp set goes to benefit the charity noted on the stamp set package. Kristal is donating to the following charities: Cancer Angels, Storefront Shelter for Homeless Children, Intrepid & Fallen Heroes, E. Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, Doorways Shelter for Women & Children (Domestic Violence), Wayside House for Women, Camp Good Days & Special Times, and Autism Research Institute. Kristal will donate $1 for every stamp set sold, retail or wholesale to the charity noted; and over time believes this will add up to some wonderful miracles for these special people. So you can feel good that each time you purchase a K Andrew Designs art stamp set, someone around the country is receiving some good help!
K Andrew's stamps are all made and assembled here in the USA, which is very important to Kristal. This ensures all product materials are safe and that jobs are being provided and maintained here in America. You can learn even more about Kristal's stamps (and pick some up for yourself) by visiting her online store: K Andrew Designs: