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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Who Doesn't Love A Giveaway?

I had a visitor from Papercraft Star the other day...  And I was invited to visit their fun challenge site, so I did!!  While I was there, I found this:
Now...  I'm A-L-W-A-Y-S up for a giveaway...  I mean, I've stayed up until all hours of the night making cards just to enter challenges, right???  So this giveaway seemed pretty easy...  If you would like to enter to win too, please check out all the details HERE...

You can expect to see me entering a few more of their challenges over at Papercraft Star...  They actually post ALL the challenges for the rest of the year so I can plan ahead (ha ha...  who else knows I do *nothing* that's planned ahead when it comes to crafting???)

Anyway, it's a pretty cool system they have over there...  Challenges...  Voting...  Winners...  Tutorials...  Tips...  And more!!  Be sure to check it out!!


Unknown said...

Amy, Thank you so much for your support of our challenge blog Papercraft Star! This is a wonderful post and we appreciate it more than I can tell you! I am so looking forward to getting to know you better and seeing your projects entered into our challenges at Papercraft Star. I hope you'll consider joining in on our message board as well! Good luck in the drawing and see you soon at Papercraft Star!

Chris said...

Good luck with the giveaway!

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