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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

You've always Been Sweet... -- Printing Press

 If you enjoy challenges that encourage you to REALLY think outside the box, then you really need to check out M.A.G.Challenge By The Page...  I've been following this site since it started a few months ago, and I really look forward to seeing what the cartridge and cut for the week will be!!  Here's the details for the current challenge:

For this week's challenge, we used a cartridge that was a free download on the gypsy!!  Remember, you can only use the images on the selected page!!

Cartridge:  Printing Press
Page:  pg.37 ( and pg. 94 (booklet)
Head on over to M.A.G. Challenge By The Page and see what YOU can create for the current or upcoming challenge!!  Now on to my entry...

When I saw the "m" on this page, I immediately thought of my favorite candy -- My BFF, Christi, and I always scrapbook with a bowl of dark chocolate peanut m&ms close by (can you say 'mmmmmmm'?), so I'm pretty sure that's why they came to mind so quickly...  So, I started by cutting my oval pieces with my Creative Memories Custom Cutting System...  Since you can ONLY cut the images on the selected page with your Cricut, you even have to be creative about what else you need on your project...
I wanted this to be a sort of gate-fold card so that it would open in layers -- Kind of like you have to get through the hard shell goodness of the m&m before you can experience the chocolaty deliciousness and the peanut crunch  (now I'm saying 'mmmmmmm'!)...
On the very inside of the card, you find the best part (like the peanut after all that chocolate!!)...  an m&m cut from glitter paper (just cuz he's a show-off!)...
This card is for The-Girl-Child...  I actually wanted to make it a scrapbook layout, so I still might do that too (I could always include the card with the pages!), but not today...  We have been getting a kick out of the recent college acceptance letters she's been receiving...  She's already committed to the college of her choice (with a lovely academic scholarship...  Go Knowledge!), but she recently received an even larger scholarship from Manhattan College (see, I could've moved to Staten Island in an RV so that I could visit one of my favorite cities regularly)...  Of course, she only gets the scholarship if she attends, but it's fun to tell people that she was accepted and about the sizable scholarship -- Which is kinda showing off, right?  Thus, the sentiment of the card...  "You've always been sweet...  But now you're just showing off!!  Congratulations on your spectacular achievement..." which was printed from the computer, I promise I didn't stamp all those little letters...  :)  As a disclaimer, The-Girl-Child is actually one of the sweetest people you could ever meet -- She, of course, has her moments of grumpiness but is an overall happy child with positive goals for her future...  I couldn't be more pleased to be her mom...  So while this card is quite fun and celebrates her years of persistence and hard work in school, she is anything BUT a show-off...  :)

I hope you've enjoyed my card today!!  Please stop back again soon (another layout coming up later!!), and be sure to stop back on FRIDAY when I announce my Great-Big-Super-Fantastic-Giveaway for followers -- you ARE following, right? :)  For now, have a wonderful day!!  I love to read your comments, so please leave one if you are so inclined...  Until next time, may your m&m bowl be full!!


Tami B. said...

You get a double A+ for this one. Super cute, & I'm sure she's gonna love it.

Yoshiras time to craft said...

i love your just looks so yummmy.thanks for joining us at m.a.g. challenge.

Melissa said...

This is so cute and so creative!! I just love all of your projects, thanks so much for joining M.A.G. Challenge!

Adrian said...

Wow, u did a great job! This card is great! Thanks for joining MAG Challenge!

girlia said...

Amy I love this. M & M's who would have thought? Awesome job on this card. Thanks for sharing your creativity at MAG

Angela said...

Amy, WOW!! What an awesome card. Great take on the challenge.

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