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Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Tenth Anniversary Remembrance Blog Hop

Welcome to our blog hop devoted to the remembrance of the 10th anniversary of Sept. 11th...

If you've hopped along from Vicki then you are in the right place.  If you are just joining me from your dashboard, or reading this via email, please be sure to CLICK HERE to start at the beginning with Tami's blog...

The terrorist attack against our nation that occurred a decade ago is still a fresh memory for me...  Like most Americans, I am forever changed because of what I witnessed and experienced not only that day, but in the weeks and months that followed...

Never, in my wildest dreams, could I imagine the idea of something so devastating and horrific happening in this country that I loved...  In a home where I felt safe...  Surrounded by family and friends...  But it did.

Americans came together as one in the emotional aftermath of 9/11. We were united by grief, had compassion for those who lost their lives, reached out to families tragically touched with pain, and showed loyalty to our country.

I watched as citizens rallied together to volunteer in conditions that were unimaginable and beyond frightening.  Heroes came forward to sacrifice their time and, in some cases, their lives...  While fear reached epic proportions, hope sprung forth and restored faith...

The loss on that day is no less painful for me ten years later...  So when Tami first mentioned the possibility of this hop, I was not sure it was something I could do.  As the days passed, and I thought more about what she was asking of us; I realized that, as difficult as this would be, I needed to share just a small part of how I have begun to move through this tragedy...  It is my hope and prayer that this hop will be a blessing to you, and that you will find new ways to remember those we've lost and celebrate the hope that springs forth... 

Please join the country in a moment of silence on Sunday morning, at 8:46 (Eastern Time). This should be a time to reflect on what we all lost, as well as on the courage and common purpose that lived, and still resides, deep within the American people.

There are 10 blogging friends who invite you to join in this day of remembrance by stopping at each blog to see a project made for the tenth anniversary of 9/11...  May we always remember the sacrifice and dedication of this great nation's heroes...

Through my eyes... 

This sculpture stood in the plaza of the World Trade Center for 30 years.  In its 21st year, I remember pausing to curiously read the plaque that explained this large orb, surrounded by fountains, that strangely reminded me of the "Spaceship Earth" at Epcot Center...  A group of my friends were already moving on to our next destination as I pulled my camera out to snap a picture of the large globe aptly named "The Sphere"...  The massive twist of metal had been commissioned by the owner of the World Trade Center (Port Authority of New York and New Jersey) in 1966.  Artist Fritz Koenig spent four years creating "The Sphere" as a symbol of World Peace through World Trade.  Ten years after my inquisitive pictures, and despite its location between the towers and the obvious devastation surrounding it, The Sphere survived the attacks with little damage...  It now stands (temporarily) in Battery Park as a "memorial to all who lost their lives in the terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center." 

Last November, when we took a trip to New York City with my daughter and her friend, I again snapped pictures of "The Sphere"...  It was a bittersweet reminder of a time spent in the city without the thought or memory of such devastation.  For a larger picture of my layout with more detail, please CLICK HERE.

Through their eyes...

This was the first thing that struck me during our trip to New York City.  On the advice of a friend, we drove into Staten Island to take the ferry over to Manhattan.  Almost immediately after parking the car, we noticed these large "wings"...  Only after closer inspection was it evident that the "wings" were part of the monument for the victims of 9/11 who were once a part of the Staten Island Community.  As I read the names etched in the stones of each silhouette, I realized that they were facing the spot where the Twin Towers once stood...  Here, where their loved ones could visit, they would forever watch over the city and always be remembered...
It was not until after our trip that I learned more about this monument...  I hope to return again to read each and every name carefully etched in these "Postcards"...  You can read more about this monument HERE.  For a larger picture of my layout with more detail, please CLICK HERE...

Through His eyes...

No one can deny that we were a country devastated by tragedy in the days, weeks, months, and even years following 9/11...  And yet, through it all, God made His presence known...  From the miracle of survivors to this steel t-beam found in the rubble, hope sprang forth.  In these moments, we found JOY...
It is this very joy that has allowed me to share with you today -- For although we are hard pressed on every side, we are not crushed; although we are perplexed, we are not in despair; although we are persecuted, we are not abandoned; and although we are struck down, we are not destroyed --2 Cor. 4:8-9.  In this tragedy, we are comforted...  With the good works and sacrifices of the heroes who did not shy away from fear, with the good will of friends and strangers who chose to give their time and financial assistance to families who suffered great loss, and with each sunrise and sunset that reminds us of the hope in tomorrow...  For a larger picture of my layout with more detail, please CLICK HERE...

Why are they all black & white?

I had printed each of my pictures in full color for the layouts for this hop...  So why didn't I use them?  As I began to document my feelings and memories, I realized that what was hardest for me was the COLOR on the pages...  Even the red, white, and blue paper took away from the meaning behind the photos for me...  It's possible that, at some point, I will still scrapbook the color photos; but I hope my black and white photos allow you to feel the deep emotions behind each of these layouts...

Thank you very much for stopping by during this hop...  It means so much to me and the other hop participants that you are willing to spend a piece of today with us -- I hope these posts will be a blessing to you.  Before I send you off to your next stop on the hop...  I do have a little goodie for one of you... 

Since all three of these are digital layouts, I thought perhaps at least one of you would be interested in a few of my own digital elements...  So I will provide your choice of 5 digital elements -- jpg and png format in one of the following themes: Scripture phrases, Inspirational quotes, or Fun Friends (animal images) that you can use with your own digital software OR.... you may elect to have a blog button/badge or custom header of your own designed by ME!! :) 

To be eligible for my blog candy:
  • Please leave me a comment... 
  • Receive a BONUS chance when you "Like" the Love To Crop! Facebook Page!! -- CLICK HERE -- then leave me an extra comment for your bonus chance!)
If you leave your email address (please leave it in SAFE scrapbookingwithamy at gmail dot com form), I will be happy to contact you if you are the winner; otherwise, you will need to check back after Wednesday, September 14th to see if you are a winner. No captcha here, so commenting is quick and easy!! :)

Now you can hop on over to your next stop: Nicole!! 

Here's a list of the entire hop, in case you get lost along the way or want to revisit anyone:

*** Please note that the following links will take you directly to each participants post if you are joining the hop later in the week!! ***

9/11 Remembrance Blog Hop

Tami at Tambo's Creations
Lynne at Her Craftiness
Vicki at Maw Maw's Thoughts
Amy :) at Love To Crop!  You are HERE!!
Nicole at Crashing Creatively  Go here NEXT!!
Lisa at Bit by the Cricut Bug!
Susan at Susana's Scrappin' Corner
Lynda at Memories In Tyme
Theresa at The Scrapbooking Queen
Jearise at Lorby's World

May today be a day of peace for you...  Until next time,


lorby said...

Your layout is perfect. The black and white photos speak so much more than colored would have. Jearise in

Patti Ross said...

WOW, I'm speechless and teary. Beautiful job!

Patti Ross

Unknown said...

Oh Amy
Your layouts are spectacuular. I must say the black and white is so much more meaningful than any colored layout could be. The pictures speak for themselves. Beautiful photography.
As for your post, I am currently on a road trip to NE for a 9/11 Remembrance Airshow and I know todays tribute is going to be so much harder for me than I realized. Your words are so touching!!!
Thanks for sharing your feelings my friend
Hugs to you

Doris P. said...

very emotional -last night they replayed on the news the events that took place.. so today - i'm a tad emotional.. WHAT a beautiful feeling the black & white pics play.. I love the B&W idea behind it. TFS :) doris
parkernana5 at cox dot net

Josie0602 said...

I think using the black and white is the perfect touch for such a somber and frightening day. I love your photos...they are just stunning!

Imogene said...


Peggy Sue said...

wow, really powerful...thanks for sharing.

Lynne said...

beautiful and emotional tribute Amy!!! It couldn't be said better in color and glad you printed all in black and white. Congrats on your Design Team- they have a wonderful, talented team member!!! Hugs and love
Her Craftiness

Unknown said...

Amy - I absolutely love the project - and you are totally right about using the black and white - much better! I already follow you on FB, and fanned know I love you girl!!! GREAT project! LyndaJinco at

Precious Memories Scrapbooking & More said...

Absolutely love your tribute, I think the black and white was a perfect choice it totally depicts the tragic events and somber feeling. It is a gorgeous tribute!! Thank you for sharing it with all of us.

staci412 {@} optonline {.} net

Cathie w said...

what an amazing job you did in the commemoration of this day in history..I have decided I will not be sad or cry this day..juts honor and be honored to say this is my home and love and pray for those that protect it


Scrappin' Sista said...

Girl! You did an AMAZING job with these layouts! I'm going to try to start doing some digital scrapbooking as you and others have inspired me to at this to my tool belt of talents. I absolutely love the last one with the steel cross and scriptures. It takes my breath away.

Thanks for sharing such wonderful inspiration and the chance to win.

askscrappinsista (at) hotmail (dot) com

Tambo said...

Amy, First let me say thank you for joining in on my hop today, with how emotional it is for everyone. I am speechless on your posting today. You did a such a tremendous job. I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post. BTW you are an excellent writer. Your note of the reason for the B&W is so true, I think that it speaks to our emotions. I also learned more from your posting than I had learned by doing my book. I am sure there are many more things for me to find out too, being so far away from the sites I am reliant on the computer right now for all of my touring, but sometime I will make a trip to that side of the country. tfs Tami
Tambo's Creations

Nicole said...

I LOVED your choice of black and white for the layouts. The picture of the sphere is my favorite. What a treasure to share in each other's memories of this event and how it touched each life differently. I am honored to be a part of this Blog Hop today. It is only by the grace of God that I held it together in front of my first grade class that fateful day. Thank you for sharing your remembrance piece.


Kathy's Kreative Spot said...

Amazing layout an the black and white photo do convey the sorrow we all feel today.
Katsews at gmail dotcom

Jenny said...

Your layouts are beautiful and mean so much. TFS

jennykingham at att dot net

Anita Braddock said...

Your Layout is very moving we all will remember forever. thanks for sharing your great work.

Jo said...

Very emotional. We were there last year and our pictures in color do not do the scene justice. Your pictures are beautiful and are a true tribute to the ones we lost. Thanks for sharing.

Vicki said...

Amy, You know that I am a great fan of yours and will continue to be..You have outdone yourself today in many ways. Repeating others thoughts of your black/white photos is a given and I am so impressed with them but it is with your thoughts and expression that I am impressed the most. You have a way of telling things as if we are sitting in front of you while you speak and if I were blind and unable to even see the B/W I would be able to see in my head the images you were depicting. God has blessed you my friend...

Carla said...

I think I rather prefer your lay out in Black and White. They make it easier to feel the grief that we all went through. The color ones would have come out beautiful, but I think the somber black and white was just gorgeous. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful project. or

joydee1963 said...

Beautiful lo.I am a follower,joydee1963 at yahoo dot com

Dee Burns said...

These pics are amazing as are your LO's. I have been watching the Remberence of 9/11 all day and just have to stop at times and cry. But they will not break us. I love that you put the pics in Black and're right... it feels real, but is surreal.
Thanks for sharing your feelings with us.
Take Care!
Dee B

Cathy said...

Doing your layout in black and white was the right thing to do. Very touching.
mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com

Cathy said...

I went to your FB page and left a brief comment:)
mexicopetshop at hotmail dot com

Kathryn said...

The Black & White is perfect and I think it was the best way to make it dramatic. You did a wonderful job on those. TFS

God Bless you and all in the world who have lost loved ones through Acts of Terror, Acts of War or any Act of Hate and Malice.


Janet said...

I am nearly speechless and full of awe at your post, Your photo's are amazing and presented so perfectly. I wish I could express my feeling as beautifully as you have. I chose not to participate in this event because I felt I could not do the occassion justice. Your post is a stunning tribute. Bravo My friend!
Huge Blog Hugs!! *Janet*

Alisha said...

Great with the black and white. Today is such a sad day.

Susan L said...

The black and white definitely was the way to go! I hope to visit these sites one day. Thanks for sharing your time and talents.

Happy Scrappin'

Sue B

Susan L said...

Already liked your FB page :)

Happy Scrappin'

Sue B

Brittney said...

aww this such a great layout.
you did a wonderful job.

PLEPOMA said...

Your post is so meaningful and is heartfelt. O follow and enjoy your blog and liked on Facebook.

Anna said...

WOW this is amazing. Just breathtaking. Very touching.
I'm a follower.
Thanks for the chance to win.
http: // mamawann. blogspot. com/
annadowdy at gmail dot com

Anna said...

I am already a fan on FB.
Thanks for the chance to win.
http: // mamawann. blogspot. com/
annadowdy at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Your choice to go with black and white was spot on. Well done.
BobbisTreasure at

Edwina said...

Thank you for the wonderful black and white layouts! I love them! Yes the color makes it hard to bare. I live in NJ. Pop knew a lot of people there. He was supposed to go back to work on the 82nd floor but they decided to wait a few days. we are very thankful for that. We might have lost him and I am not sure Mom and I could have bore it. Thanks again. Edwina Brown edwinabrownatcomcastdotnet

abusybee - DoubleClick Connections said...


scrappingmamma said...

Wow such a fabulous project!! .... I love the black & white photos perfect for this tribute. Amazingly beautiful my friend .....
What a beautiful tribute to 9-11 and all of the fallen, & hero's , I was home that morning with my newborn watching the news! I really thought it was a movie for a bit until I switched the channel to fine that same movie on again. I just sat in Aww most of the day crying for all of those lost and for there loved ones. What a super idea for a blog hop .
Deborah { scrappingmamma }

Unknown said...

What a great layout! I love that you chose black and white! This day has been very emotional!! What a nice hop to remember and honor the heroe of 9/11.

Unknown said...

I am a facebook fan aready :)

Lisa said...

Your post was very well written, I loved reading it. Your layouts are PERFECT. I love the fact that you used the B&W photos. It gave so much meaning to your layout. It was the perfect touch for displaying these photos.
top29gun at gmail dot com

Lisa said...

Your blog is adorable and I signed up on your FB page. I can't wait to see more of your stunning creations.
top29gun at gmail dot com

Suzanne said...

Your project is stunning. I love how you shared your thoughts about using the black and white which is perfect for this project. Would love to invite you to enter your project in the 9-11 challenge at Sweet Sassy Diva Your project is a wonderful tribute. Hope you will join the first challenge on SSD.

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